Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hammer On! Posted by Picasa

Mark Wade Posted by Picasa

Dan Landrum Posted by Picasa

Randy Clepper Posted by Picasa

Bob McMurray Posted by Picasa

Mark before his much deserved bow! Posted by Picasa

Dan on Carol of the Bells Posted by Picasa

Hammer Blur Posted by Picasa

Smiling Mark Posted by Picasa

Joy to the World (check out Dan and Randy's headgear) Posted by Picasa

Mark on trumpet Posted by Picasa

Dan takes a break from hammering... Posted by Picasa

Bob Posted by Picasa

Band stage left - B/W Posted by Picasa

Mark - Holiday Hoedown Posted by Picasa

the band from above... Posted by Picasa

Dan whistling Flights of Joy (not really) Posted by Picasa

Randy Posted by Picasa

Icy Rain Posted by Picasa

Dan confused? (Hammers on the wrong instrument) Posted by Picasa

Dragonflys Posted by Picasa

The opening act! Posted by Picasa

Mark stressing during the sound check of the Christmas concert. Posted by Picasa

Dan and Randy play for some children Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 19, 2005

HammerOn! with Hussain, Zak and Project Bandaloop Posted by Hello